Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) for cell injury and repair: how PEMFs promote longevity and reduce the rate of aging at the cellular level, aging is a process of declining capacity for and effectiveness of repair of cell injury. With aging there is cumulative, unrepaired or poorly repaired natural or unnatural cell injury. This is “death by a 1000 cuts.” Cell injury results when cells can no longer adapt to stress, have unrecoverable exposure to damaging agents or suffer from intrinsic abnormalities, whether genetic or nutrient-based. Cell injury can progress from milder reversible states through more severe irreversible conditions leading to tissue and or organ failure of varying degrees, and finally senescent apoptotic or necrotic cell death.
Aging can be slowed or reversed by ongoing health maintenance, including mitigating known causal circumstances, and also proactive use of low intensity, low frequency, PEMFs.
PEMFs improve the rate of aging by reducing and/or reversing various degrees of cell injury.
PEMFs are known to pass uninhibited through the body, while inducing charge in cells and tissues, consequently affecting biochemical and physiologic processes in the direction of reducing cell injury, and therefore aging.
PEMFs improve various physiologic processes including
production of nitric oxide, reducing pain and inflammation,
improving circulation, enhancing cellular membrane function and metabolism, communication and replication and growth and repair. PEMFs improve biochemical activity at the cellular level and allow nutrients and other life extending chemistry in the body to migrate more freely to be more functionally useful.
PEMFs should be part of a comprehensive program to reduce suffering and enhance higher quality longevity.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) for cell injury and repair:
With about 70 trillion cells in an adult body, cell injury is common and repair is ongoing. Wherever there is pain, suffering and dysfunction there is cell injury.
Cell injury results when cells are stressed so that they are no longer able to adapt or when cells are exposed to damaging agents or
suffer from intrinsic abnormalities.
The normal cell has a fairly narrow range of function and structure.
It handles physiologic demands, maintaining a steady state called homeostasis.
All disease starts with micro-molecular or structural alterations in individual cells.
Injury to sufficient numbers of cells and to the matrix between cells ultimately leads to tissue and organ injury. The cumulative burden of these unrecovered cells and cell functions, leads to aging.
The end results of genetic, biochemical, or structural changes in cells and tissues are functional abnormalities, which lead to clinical manifestations (symptoms and signs) and then may become disease.
The major causes of cell injury are:
Oxygen Deprivation
Physical Agents
Chemical Agents and Drugs
Infectious Agents
Immunologic Reactions
Genetic Derangements
Nutritional Imbalances
Physical agents causing cell injury include mechanical trauma, extremes of temperature (burns and deep cold),
sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, radiation, and electric shock. Mechanical trauma, which we most commonly associate with injury, including sprains, dislocations, muscle tears, fractures, etc., are a fraction of the causes of aging.
Cell injury progresses through various stages, during any of which repair may be possible if adequately facilitated, either naturally or by the application of various treatments.
All stresses and noxious influences exert their effects first at the molecular or biochemical level. There is a time lag between the stress and the physical changes of cell injury or death.
Persistent or excessive injury, causes cells to pass a nebulous “point of no return” into irreversible injury and cell death.
Let me say it again, cellular or tissue swelling is the first manifestation of almost all forms of injury to cells.
The cell response to injurious stimuli depends on the nature of the injury, its duration, and its severity.
The consequences of cell injury depend on the type, state, and adaptability of the injured cell, including nutritional and hormonal status, vulnerability of the cell, eg, to hypoxia, degree of toxic exposure.
PEMFs can be used to improve body function and reduce the effects of cell injury.
Low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields or PEMF’s, at the right intensities penetrate through the entire body affecting every cell in their path. Either whole body or smaller more intense PMFs affect all the cells in the body.
PEMF works to:
Reduce edema
Improve circulation
Open cell membrane channels
increase production of ATP
stimulate repair mechanisms, and enhance apoptosis of chronic inflammatory cells.
Only cells that are out of balance, are affected by PEMF energy.
There is no other technology that I’m aware of that can with a single modality have both the range and depth of action that clinically directed PEMFs can have, with no harm to healthy cells.
Low intensity PEMFs have long been approved by the US FDA for healing nonunion fractures.
With high level intensity stimulation, I have been able to see improvements, particularly with musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions, more rapidly than with any other therapeutic approach, and without simply masking the underlying condition.
Most people with any injury or disability usually benefit by being able to rehab and get back to work much faster.
Because PEMF’s penetrate through all biologic tissues, equally well, unlike laser, electrical stimulation and ultrasound, they may be simply used to go through clothing, shoes, casts, wraps, bandages and splints, decreasing prep time.
Everybody has at least millions of cells in the process of cell injury on a constant, daily basis. Unresolved cell injury, leads to cell death and contributes to and accelerates human aging. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) operate at the individual cell level, in every organ of the body, to help reverse cell injury, especially when used early in the injury process. To prevent and reverse cell injury at the earliest stages, requires daily use of PEMF’s throughout adult life. Waiting for cell injury to get to the point of obvious disease or negative health conditions, allows aging to progress unnoticed, not to mention having all the consequences of disease. Unfortunately, most humans do wait until they have a significant health condition before they begin using PEMF’s. There are many PEMF systems available for relatively low cost, that allow whole body stimulation to reduce the injury of cells and consequently aging.
One of the reasons www.almagpemfaustralia.com.au was created to provide ready access to PEMF devices and education regarding the value of these devices for supporting the treatment of many health conditions and as a tool for anti-aging and prolonging healthier quality of life.