Back Pain
Back pain can have a significant impact on many areas of our life. The good news is that medical and technological advancements are allowing us to discover different ways to alleviate the pain.
Chronic Low Back Pain Home Treatment
There are many treatments available to help alleviate chronic lower back pain. It is not necessary to accept and just live with the pain with the variety of proven lower back pain home remedies.
There are many causes of lower back pain. By understanding the different causes and specific symptoms of your lower back pain, many different home remedies will open up to you to try.
Non-specific BackPain
The most common back pain diagnosis is non-specific back pain, found in about 19 of every 20 cases of sudden, acute low back pain. It is named “non-specific” due to the root cause of the pain being unclear. Once you have sought counsel from your doctor, lower back pain treatments at home are available, such as magnetic therapy.
Sciatica is another cause of lower back pain. Although, sciatica is diagnosed in only 1 case of every 20. It is often referred to as a trapped nerve, as sciatica occurs when a nerve coming out of the spinal cord becomes pressed on or irritated. Home remedies can help, on the guidance of your doctor.
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Cauda Equina Syndrome is a very rare and serious condition. It occurs due the nerves at the very lower back are pressed on. If you believe you may be experiencing this syndrome, it is important to speak with a doctor as soon as possible, before beginning to experiment with home remedies.
Treating Back Pain with PEMF
By William Pawluk, MD, MSc
Board Certified Family Physician and Holistic Health Practitioner; Former Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and University of Maryland
Dr. Pawluk is an authoritative informational source on PEMF. He has also authored a book, and appeared and consulted for the media, as well as universities conducting research.
Treating back pain with PEMFS
I can tell you that in my clinical practice, I have treated hundreds of patients with low back pain, very successfully, just using PEMFs. The challenge in medicine, is that most of the treatments for pain do not remove the cause. They simply help you with the symptoms. Often, the pain, even after “definitive” surgery comes back. This is due to the fact that we can’t always identify the actual pain generator. The x-ray may indicate that there is a herniated disc or pressure on a nerve, that is, radiculopathy, but these may not actually be causing the pain. They may eventually, but at the moment they may not be the true cause. So, it makes much more sense to treat these kinds of problems conservatively with something that will reduce the pain and help the local tissues decrease swelling, improve circulation, and so on, without the risk of a more harmful intervention.
While PEMFs can be especially dramatic in acute back pain, they are actually most often used for chronic back pain. Most people with acute back pain resolved their pain problems in a short time. Those patients who had PEMF systems for other reasons and used them for their acute back pain got over their back pain much faster. People often become more desperate in managing their chronic back pain and therefore resort to more “desperate measures.”
I have even had a number of patients who have what are called “failed backs”. These individuals have had multiple procedures to their backs and still have severe or even worse pain than when they had before the procedures. In this situation, pulsed magnetic field therapy is a rescue treatment and can make a huge difference in their ability to function. While it may not be able to completely eliminate the pain, a severe pain may become a mild pain, which is much more tolerable.
I learned as a physician, decades ago, that if the patients came to see me I could only recommend them approaches that I had learned and experienced. I would almost never recommend them approaches I knew very little about, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, bodywork, etc. after all, these seem to be less “scientific” and less medically credible. So, as a result but most other doctors, patients would end up going down the path of inappropriate, expensive, and often disastrous medical approaches that were unwarranted, if I had only known about other technologies. Unfortunately, most of these other technologies or outside the house of medicine, and are often not covered by insurance.
As a result most doctors, myself included at the time, did not ever consider these other options. The other unfortunate situation is that, if I make my living doing a particular procedure, then that is what I’m going to do. So it starts become very obvious, that the individual will be responsible for their own health destiny. Because I was frustrated with the options I had available to me, having seen firsthand many times, the consequences of inappropriate and unnecessary procedures, when considering other options that were available outside the medical sphere, I obtained training in some of these other disciplines to better understand the value they might have.
This is one of the reasons I began to work with magnetic therapies. I began to see their potential very early, seeing as well, that they had very low risk. It took about 20 years of practice to finally get to this point. As a result, I want to see other people benefit from my experience, without having to wait as many years, and having to learn the hard way.